Brev Script

Old style handwriting, inspired by 1800-1900's letters. Contains hundreds of alternate glyphs; each lower case letter has four variations, accessible through contextual and standard alternates.

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Breul Grotesk font

Breul Grotesk

Taking inspiration from an attempt to marry art with industry of Bauhaus (1919), Brueul Grotesk is classic and straightforward, cutting back superfluous elements. A Sans Serif type, it’s like a…

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Breuer Text font Breuer Condensed font Brestonk font Brentwood font Brent 4F font Brenham JNL font

Brenham JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Before typography had 'rules', lettering artists set down designs that have endured as classics. A perfect example is Brenham JNL, which was modeled after an antique wood type. The extra…

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Brenda Script font Bren font