Cigar font


Cigar is a revival of a 1970s and 1980s typeface called Cucumber or Nassel Black or Scanner. It has been carefully redrawn and expanded into a full-featured OpenType font. Cigar…

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Ciera font Cielo font Cider font Cica font


  • Post author:Alive Fontsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Ok, I'm allergic to cats and have never had one, but I can still create a typeface that embodies feline character! Cica combines the careful nature of cunning cats with…

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Cibola™ font Ciao Bella font

Ciao Bella

Oddsorts’ Ciao Bella family pairs the funky elegance of a hand-drawn copperplate script with a bouquet of ornament fonts. Ciao Bella’s expansive range of alternate opening and closing forms, word-connecting…

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Chyrllene font Chusp font