Koya Sans font Kotto Slab font

Kotto Slab

  • Post author:Picadorstaff
  • Post category:modern

Ultra Heavy Weight Font Champion – that's Kotto Slab. Bold curves and catchy endings. You can always count on Kotto – quirky posters, creative projects or long texts. That doesn't…

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Kostic Serif font

Kostic Serif

  • Post author:Kosticstaff
  • Post category:legible

Kostic Serif is a classic transitional typeface (like Baskerville, Bookman, Caslon, Times) with tall, clean characters and a large glyph set to support all European languages - Greek and Cyrillic…

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Korto font Korinth Serial font Korey Sister font Korbin font Korb font Korataki font


Korataki is a tribute to the 1975’s futuristic classic, China by M. Mitchell. It was one of the earliest typefaces that would now be classified as techno. Wide, square, industrial…

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