Location JNL
The lettering style of Location JNL is based on sets of "vintage" metal house identification letters and numbers seen for sale online. As these sets are available from overseas sources,…
Local Printer JNL
Based on William Page’s Skeleton Antique wood type (circa 1865), Local Printer JNL is available in both regular and oblique versions.Primarily used for text passages, the type design also works…
Local Market
Local Market is a wonderful handmade font and art collection. Local Market comes in three font styles, multiple weights, extras, labels, and banners. The handwritten font styles include Local Market…
Local Brewery
Local Brewery is a vintage inspired font collection that includes six script styles and two sans serif styles. Script styles include a ripple edged, smooth or rough version. The sans…
Lobby Card JNL
Lobby Card JNL takes the limited characters of Theatrics JNL, removes the prismatic effect and expands the font into an extended character set for a multitude of uses.
Llandru is a 21st century display typeface consisting of mechanical shapes inspired by floppy disks and digital memory cards used to store data in ancient times. When a TRS-80 dreams,…
Lizzy Handwriting
All SoftMaker webfonts come with at least 500,000 pageviews included. Digitized handwriting fonts are a perfect way to give documents the “very special touch”. Invitations look simply better when handwritten…