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  • Post category:decorative

Gorodets is a symbol font based on traditional wood-painting style from the town Gorodets on Volga river, Russia. The main motifs of it are decorative flowers, birds, horses and even…

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Gmuender Kanzlei font Kiddy Kitty font

Kiddy Kitty

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  • Post category:script

Kiddy Kitty is a soft and friendly sans-serif type family which consists of 6 upright italic and 5 italic weights. It supports Western and CE Latin and Cyrillic, and it…

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Haenel Fraktur font

Haenel Fraktur

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  • Post category:Uncategorized

A bold but nevertheless pleasant black-letter font which was released for the first time about 1840 by the Haenel'sche Printshop and Letterfoundery in Berlin. Haenel Fraktur contains a bunch of…

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Leksa font


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  • Post category:serif

Leksa is an oldstyle, even a bit old-fashioned text family in 12 faces, including six upright and six italic ones, from Light to Black, with both oldstyle and tabular digits…

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Hoelderlin font Hoyer Script font Leksa Sans font

Leksa Sans

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  • Post category:sans-serif

Leksa Sans is a humanist sans-serif face with some contrast. The family consists of 14 faces (upright & true italic in seven weights from Extralight to Black). Designed as a…

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Hupp Fraktur font Impuls Pro font

Impuls Pro

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  • Post category:modern

Based on remnants of the Typoart, Dresden, version of Impuls, this is a carefully extended pro-version covering Europe's main languages written in Latein letters.

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