Jalopy JNL font

Jalopy JNL

History, as it's said, tends to repeat itself. The round-point pen lettering used in the 1920s logo and ads for Dodge Brothers cars (pre-General Motors) is an early predecessor to…

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Jalo font Jalebi font Jaina Sans font Jailbreak JNL font Jagerlay font


  • Post author:Picadorstaff
  • Post category:modern

Jagerlay was brought to life to cope with diverse and complex data gathered in presentations, corporate identity and other office documents. Its geometric shape and characteristic endings are reminiscent of…

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Jadeite font Jacques Handwriting font Jacqueline font


  • Post author:AVPstaff
  • Post category:script

Jacqueline is the culmination of successive attempts to render the loose but controlled script of the eponymous writer’s hand. The result is a fluid script that resembles pencil or chalk…

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