Kiddie Show JNL
The design for Kiddie Show JNL is based on the hand lettering for a piece of sheet music from 1946 entitled "Wee Marionettes". While basically an Art Deco-flavored monoline typeface,…
The design for Kiddie Show JNL is based on the hand lettering for a piece of sheet music from 1946 entitled "Wee Marionettes". While basically an Art Deco-flavored monoline typeface,…
Kiddie Blokz JNL is a limited character set font in three styles: Regular, Lined and Block, emulating the look of toy blocks for themes with a juvenile motif. For a…
A spunky slim typeface inspired by a 1958 Dell Comic, The Captain and the Kids featuring the Katzenjammer Kids as a spinoff from the original comic which was in turn…
This handwriting has a fun style with connected letters and a slightly girly flair.