Mazzard H font Mayville JNL font Maythorn font Mayonez font


  • Post author:Sardiezstaff
  • Post category:funny

Mayonez is a typeface with rational structure and axis but softened with rounded contours and cupped serifs, getting as result a balance between seriousness and friendliness. The shapes have a…

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Mayonaise font Mayfield font Mayer font Mayence font


  • Post author:isacostaff
  • Post category:script

Mayence is the French name of Mainz, German city where Johannes Gutenberg was born. It's a manuscript font inspired in the author's calligraphy, with an angular structure, marked by a…

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Maychurch font


Maychurch is a drafting technician themed font. It would be at home in Georgian, Neo-classical, Federalist or Victorian architectural themes. It conjures images of The White House and The British…

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