Morpeth font


  • Post author:G-Typestaff
  • Post category:legible

Hardworking and versatile condensed sans family originally designed for Morpeth Borough's wayfinding system and thus eminently usable for signage purposes. The 6 weight OpenType family includes discretionary ligatures, small caps,…

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Morover font Morningtype font Morningstar JNL font

Morningstar JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Her father named her Estella Dawn, or morning star. She truly shines bright, for as the owner of Stella Roberts Fonts, she has dedicated part of her net profits to…

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Morningside Heights JNL font MorningNews font Morning Paper JNL font

Morning Paper JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Morning Paper JNL is part of a small series of fonts re-drawn from screen captures of original vintage newspaper headlines. The typefaces are classic wood and metal faces that were…

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Morning Dew font Morl font


Developed from condensed san serif families of the 90’s to 00’s, Morl brings together the distinctive features of the time but presented in a simpler design. Its potential is increased…

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