Swine And Roses font Therhoernen font Vine Street font Wappenstein font Whitenow font


In the year 1528 Pierre Attaignant led a revolution in music printing. His method of once-press moveable type, greatly simplifying the original 3 impression process developed by Petrucci, remained in…

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Willie Caxton font Zainer font


Günther Zainer, (or Zeyner or Zeiner), was the first printer to operate in the city of Augsburg. He was active from 1468 to his death in 1478. In that single…

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Zell font BD Barbeaux font

BD Barbeaux

BD Barbeaux is a condensed typeface, chic and fashionable with a touch of Art Nouveau. BD Barbeaux Numérique version features rounded corners. The BD Barbeaux fonts are great for fashion…

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