Perfect Sunset font Perfect Day font Perec Ludique font Perec font


Georges Perec (1936 - 1982). French poet, novelist, scientific documentalist, composer, author of radiophonic pieces, lover of puzzles, film maker, parachutist, player of go, and author of the most difficult…

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Percolator™ font Peralta Pro font

Peralta Pro

Our Peralta Pro was inspired by egyptian slab serif letterforms, yet have a haywire disregard for classic balance. You'll find that Capitals and Lowercase have opposite weight distributions, as well…

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Pequena Pro font Pequena Neo font

Pequena Neo

This typeface is the complete family of "Pequena" from Regular to Black. It contains the Cyrillic alphabet, shadows and dingbats, and works especially well for children's books or comic titles.

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Pepperwood Std font