Shockproof font


  • Post author:Haiku Monkeystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Shockproof takes its inspiration from 1940s hand lettering. It's a display font that mixes elegance with a touch of informality. Great for use in identity, signage, posters, and anywhere that…

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Shockbar font Shock and Awe font Shnixgun font


Shnixgun is an inky, textured font based on a an old metal type called Franklin Card Gothic. The OpenType format features letter pair autoligs to help break up the monotony…

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Shlop font


Shlop is a wicked, oozing horror font. Check out Shlop’s shloppy brother, Shlop Shloppy. He’s like Shlop but with more shlop. When you're using Shlop Shloppy in an OpenType savvy…

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Shivro font ShirleyUJest font Shirelda font Shire Script font

Shire Script

  • Post author:Bean & Morrisstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Shire Script includes alternate characters and discretionary ligatures to help you create settings when informality is called for. Variety in the lowercase x heights and connectors give an overall effect…

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