
Strangelove is inspired by the title sequence of Stanley Kubrick’s movie Dr. Strangelove. The original titles were designed by Pablo Ferro, who is one of the most acclaimed film title…

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Strange Times font Strange Alphabets font Strands font Straight Line font Straffespark font Stovepipe Stencil JNL font Stove Plate JNL font

Stove Plate JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

An old printer's advertising cut for Red Star Oil Stoves yielded a typeface that was both vintage and somewhat techno at the same time. Originally drawn as a slanted logo,…

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Stout font Storyteller font


A lovingly handwritten, hand-traced and developed font family that you can use in all sort of design projects - branding, invitations, quotes design etc. The family contains 33 fonts in…

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