Teeshirt font


Back in the olden days of yore (the eighties), a smooth talking typewriter font from the early seventies ruled the roost: American Typewriter. Recreate that authentic eighties vintage Teeshirt style.…

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Teen font TeeFranklin font Teddy font


Teddy by Minjoo Ham is a script-style display font in three layers, plus a stand-alone “Open” variety. The family was awarded a “Certificate of Typographic Excellence” from New York’s Type…

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Teddings font


  • Post author:Fust & Friendsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

What could be added to the Teddy family to give it a stronger aura of usability and fun? How about a set of dingbats / icons / pictures in a…

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Tectura II font Tectura font


Tectura is hand drawn letters that come to you from the typefounders. It's all about those slight-but-telling imperfections that separate hand lettering—which this really is—from machine drawn imperfections. Use it…

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Tectónica font Tecpana font