Transport New font

Transport New

  • Post author:K-Typestaff
  • Post category:sans-serif

Transport New is a redrawing of the typeface designed for British road signs. In addition to the familiar Heavy and Medium weights, Transport New extrapolates and adds a previously unreleased…

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Transmute font Transmogrifier font Transmogrified font Transit Display font Transistor font


Transistor is a decorative and electronic serif typeface. One of the historical connection was the Didot, development in French. Transistor typeface was designed from the concept and experimentation with electronic…

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Transcriptural font Transcribed JNL font

Transcribed JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The term "transcribed" takes on many definitions. In sheet music (the source of this type face design) it means to set down onto paper. In the formative days of radio,…

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Transcendental JNL font