Astromonkey font Astrologer font Astrochemistry font


  • Post author:Typodermicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Astrochemistry is a heavy, square font which creates stunning headlines, contrasting smoothly with sans-serif body copy. It represents the state-of-the-art of cutting through complex situations & rigid systems, extending outward…

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Astro Bats font Astrid Grotesk font

Astrid Grotesk

Astrid Grotesk is a normalized version of Schizotype Grotesk. Normalized; not neutralized. Where many neo-grotesks appear cold with their harsh neutrality, Astrid has a warmth, eminating from its (for want…

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Astral FY font Astoria Sans font

Astoria Sans

The Sans serif companion to Astoria. Based heavily on Gill especially in the mid weights and with a consistant series of condensed weights. Designed specifically as a text face it…

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Astoria Classic font Astoria font


Based heavily on Gill especially in the mid weights, Astoria has a subtle top left serif which makes it not quite a Roman and not quite a Sans. Designed specifically…

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