Brush Poster Grotesk font

Brush Poster Grotesk

The typeface Brush Poster Grotesk is designed in 2017 for the children exhibition 1,2,3 Kultummel from Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin by xplicit, Berlin (Annette Wüsthoff, Alexander Branczyk, Mascha Wansart (illustrations)). Manuel…

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Brush Off JNL font

Brush Off JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Brush Off JNL is based on the hand-lettered title from the cover of the 1955 sheet music of "Love is A Many Splendored Thing". The unique, artistic and somewhat eccentric…

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Brush Marker font Brush Hand Marker font Brush Crush font BrunoBook font Bruno Ace Pro Rounded font Bruno Ace Pro font Brunette font


The Brunette font was created with the sole purpose to serve companies that want to express character, emotion, and personal touch through their logotypes (think Bakeries, Juice Bars, Cafes, Jewelry…

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