Corner Deli font Cormier font Cormac font Corky font


  • Post author:Typadelicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

A typeface based on my own handwriting, Fontographer-ized. Fun, quirky and very legible.

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Corkboard JNL font Corinth font


Do you need that perfectly-imperfect yet highly legible font to pair with a script or supplement a logo? Corinth is a hand drawn geo sans with 4 styles plus ornaments…

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Coriander® Std font Cori Sans font Core Slab M font

Core Slab M

  • Post author:S-Corestaff
  • Post category:legible

Core Slab M is the serif companion to Core Sans M (Text family of the month. May, 2013). This font family has open and square letter shapes, and overall rounded…

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