Depot Trapharet 2D font Depot New Condensed font Depot New font

Depot New

Original released in 2006 Depot has now been updated to Depot New. While staying true to its original robust charm Depot New has been reexamined from the ground up with…

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DePixel font Dephion font Department Store JNL font Denver Serial font Densmore font


While Josef Albers was teaching at the Bauhaus in the 1920’s he developed the concept of using geometric shapes to create abstract alphabets such as Schablonenschrift and Kombinationsschrift. This kicked…

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Densit font


  • Post author:Adtypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Densit is a display mega black typeface, containing 6 styles. It aims for a ultimate density with a maximum weight on a minimum place. Glyphs therefore balances on a slim…

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