
  • Post author:Alan Meeksstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The thinking behind Fairway was to create a relatively conventional soft sans with a certain amount of movement at the top of the x-height line. The face is casual and…

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Fairwater font


Fairwater’s aesthetic derives from the cursive handwriting styles popularized in the early to mid-1900s, the simplified, forgiving letterforms of tattoo lettering – and the pictorial themes that informed early-to-mid 20th-century…

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Fairgrounds JNL font Fairelyn font Failed Attempt font Faible font Fadgod font Factual JNL font Factoria font


Born out of Industry, Factoria is a geometric, square slab. The hard-working family can jump from the side of an industrial building and into a sports magazine in a jiffy.…

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Factor BF font

Factor BF

Factor BF takes inspiration from automotive lettering, and has elements of techno. It’s clean, strong and friendly, due to its overall soft, square, sturdy letterform construction. OpenType features include stylistic…

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