Freight Display Cmp Pro
Freight Display Compressed Pro is a workhorse for headlines, subheads and running heads. The warmer proportions and large lower case give balance for an easy read. Beautiful headlines are back…
Freight Display Compressed Pro is a workhorse for headlines, subheads and running heads. The warmer proportions and large lower case give balance for an easy read. Beautiful headlines are back…
Freight Macro, the quintessential cousin of Freight Micro Pro, is a sturdy, slab serif design. The medium and bolder weights are well suited for magazine and newspaper section heads, headlines…
Freight's comprehensive range of weights and styles excels in a variety of uses, from train schedules and university catalogues to technical manuals and cookbooks.
Freight Neo is a clean, friendly humanistic sans design with good contrast. The lighter and bolder weights are well suited for magazine and newspaper section heads, headlines and book covers…
New Typeface Design - Freight Round Pro - Released by Phil’s Fonts and GarageFonts SANDY SPRING, MD, September 27, 2016 - Phil’s Fonts and GarageFonts are pleased to announce the…
Freight's comprehensive range of weights and styles excels in a variety of uses, from train schedules and university catalogues to technical manuals and cookbooks.
New Typeface Design - Freight Sans Compressed Pro Pro - Released by Phil’s Fonts and GarageFonts SANDY SPRING, MD, February 11, 2015 - Phil’s Fonts and GarageFonts are pleased to…
GarageFonts introduces four new weights of Freight Sans that go to the extremes—from the behemoth freight sans pro ultra black to the fine lines of freight sans pro hairline, thin…
GarageFonts introduces four new weights of Freight Sans Pro that go to the extremes—from the behemoth freight sans pro ultra black to the fine lines of freight sans pro hairline,…
This Freight Sans Pro package is part of a series that introduces four new weights that go to the extremes—from the behemoth freight sans pro ultra black to the fine…