Elephunky NF font

Elephunky NF

This hefty little number is an amalgam of two typefaces from the Flower Power era, Dave West’s Elephant Gothic and Wayne Stettler’s Neil Bold. It’s an extrabold, sassy headline face…

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Emfatick NF font

Emfatick NF

Here’s a fresh take on a classic, Caslon Black Swash by Ed Benguiat. Big, bold and beautiful, it’s a natural choice for distinctive and attractive headlines. Several alternate lowercase characters…

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Engel Stabenschrift NF font Erehwon Roman NF font Escondido NF font Esfera NF font Eulalie NF font

Eulalie NF

Here’s another happy camper based on the work of master penman Walter Heberling. Its quirky character and offset baseline make for interesting and enticing heads and subheads. All versions of…

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Examiner NF font

Examiner NF

This workmanlike typeface is based on the Metro series, designed by William Addison Dwiggins in the 1930s for the Mergenthaler Linotype Company. Its clean lines and balanced color make it…

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Faerie Queen NF font