Palsam Arabic

  • Post author:Abjadstaff
  • Post category:legible

Since the beginning, Palsam was intended to be a super multilingual family, with a real cursive Arabic companion, and a display cut. The typeface was designed to be used for…

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Palsam Pro font

Palsam Pro

  • Post author:Abjadstaff
  • Post category:legible

Since the beginning, Palsam was intended to be a super multilingual family, with a real cursive Arabic companion, and a display cut. The typeface was designed to be used for…

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Swissra font


  • Post author:Abjadstaff
  • Post category:legible

Swissra is an Arabic typeface that was inspired from Swiss graphic design. The motivation behind the typeface was to create a neutral and carefully crafted Arabic font family that can…

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Swissra Condensed font ABC Hand font ABC Zoo English font Advantage font Allerlei Zierat font Alta font


Note: The Alta Bold, Italic, Lined and Outline styles are no longer available due their complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.

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American Advertise 019 font