1726 Real Española font 1715 Jonathan Swift font 1695 Captain Flint font 1689 Almanach font

1689 Almanach

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

This family was inspired by the eroded and tired fonts used by printers from the sixteenth century to the early years of twentieth for cheap or fleeting works, like almanacs,…

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1682 Writhed Hand font 1676 Morden Map font 1672 Isaac Newton font

1672 Isaac Newton

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:script

Isaac Newton, father of the theory of gravity, used several forms of handwriting in his life, in numerous texts about numerous scientific subjects. Here, we propose a handwritten font, using…

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1669 Elzevir font

1669 Elzevir

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:garalde

This family was inspired from the set of font faces used in Amsterdam by Daniel Elzevir to print the famous “Tractatus de corde...” the study on earth anatomy by Richard…

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1648 Chancellerie font