Pen Elegant JNL font Pelita font Pelago font


  • Post author:Adobestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Pelago is a semi-formal sans-serif type family by Adobe Principal Designer Robert Slimbach. The family has a crisp contemporary appearance and an understated elegance.

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Pekora font


To design the font Pekora I was inspired by a You And Me Monthly published by National Magazines Publisher RSW Prasa that appeared from May 1960 till December 1973 in…

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Pekoe JNL font

Pekoe JNL

Jeff Levine Fonts offers its interpretation of Tea Chest, an Art Deco serif stencil font originally designed in 1939 by Robert Harling for the Stephenson-Blake type foundry. Pekoe JNL is…

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Peerless font Pedro Pro font

Pedro Pro

  • Post author:SoftMakerstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

All SoftMaker webfonts come with at least 500,000 pageviews included. Pedro Pro is one of the fonts of the SoftMaker font library.

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Pedro font Pedrita font