1906 Titrage

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

We have created this family as a complement to 1906 French News since the two type families were commonly in use in the same publications, including newspapers, popular books, calendars,…

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1906 French News font 1906 Fantasio Auriol font 1906 Fantasio font

1906 Fantasio

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

We have created this font inspired from the hatched one used for the inner title and many headlines by the old French popular "cheerful" satirical magazine Fantasio (1906-1948). This family…

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1890 Registers Script font 1890 Notice font

1890 Notice

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

We have created this family inspired from the hand-drawn letters used from the late 1800s until beginning of 1900s for notices, advertising, posters and also early comic titles. It is…

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1886 Romantic Initials font 1883 Fraktur font 1880 Kurrentshrift font 1871 Victor Hugo font

1871 Victor Hugo

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:script

The famous French poet and novelist Victor Hugo (1802-1885) used several handwriting styles, sometimes almost illegible. His manuscripts designated to be published was written using a script style, to be…

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