A Little House font A Hundred Miles font 946 Latin font 825 Lettrines Karolus font 825 Karolus font

825 Karolus

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

In the beginning of the 800s, during the reign of Carolus Magnus (or “Karolus”, as he signed himself), a great reformation of the written characters was conducted under the authority…

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799 Insular font

799 Insular

  • Post author:GLCstaff
  • Post category:decorative

This font was inspired from the so called "Insular Style" Latin script used in Celtic monasteries (Ireland, Scotland—with the well known Book of Kells—and England) from the late 6th to…

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6809 Chargen font 4Point GreekFret font 4Point Florals font